Abstract Submission

Abstract Deadline

01 July 2022

Early Registration Date

07 July 2022

All abstracts should be submitted electronically via the abstract submission system (Link). The abstracts not submitted via the abstract system but via e-mail and regular post shall not be accepted. The abstracts submitted online shall be published without any correction; therefore the authors should be careful about spelling mistakes and acronyms.

Guidelines for Submission

  1. The abstracts shall be submitted only via the online abstract system.
  2. Names of the authors should not include their academic titles.
  3. The names should be written with only the first letter in capital and the rest in small letters and without abbreviation.
  4. Name and country of the institution, in which the author is employed, should be stated.
  5. Only the first letter of the abstract title should be in capital letters (abbreviations will not be used).
  6. In case an abbreviation is used in the abstract, the abbreviation should be written open and the abbreviation in parenthesis.
  7. The purpose of the paper and the methods applied should be explained in brief, the findings should be summarized together with sufficient statistical details and the conclusion should be stated within the framework of the findings presented.
  8. Abstract should be organized in a way to include the titles of Background and objective, materials and methods, results and conclusions.
  9. The abstract length should not exceed 250 words
  10. No tables & figures are allowed
  11. Presenting author should register to the congress

Important Notices

  • If you will use the online abstract module for the first time, select the “New User” link and register to the system.
  • The explanations at the page after the registration procedure will guide you. Please read the messages and explanations carefully.
  • The abstracts submitted via internet shall be published without any corrections; therefore the authors should be careful about spelling mistakes.
  • Please keep the confirmation mail sent to your e-mail address following the abstract submission.
  • You can track the evaluation process of your abstract over the system by using your e-mail and password.

Abstract Evaluation:

All abstracts and proceedings will be blind reviewed by the Scientific Committee. In order to have an accepted abstract being programmed by the scientific committee, congress registration for the presenting author is compulsory. An acceptance letter concerning the abstract evaluation result will be e-mailed to the author.

Copyright and Publication of Abstracts

Submission of an abstract implies that it has been approved by all listed authors.

The Scientific Programming Committee reserves the right to make the final decision concerning the form of the presentation.

Accepted abstracts will be distributed on the official abstract Memory Disc, which will be added in the congress bags. Submission of an abstract constitutes your consent to publication (e.g. Congress website, programmes, other promotional material, etc…)

Abstracts will be published as submitted. Errors will not be amended by the organisers.

Abstract Submission Topics

1 Asthma (adult)
2 Pediatric asthma
3 ENT (Nasal polyp, Chronic Rhinosinusitis, Allergic Rhinitis)
4 Atopic dermatitis
5 Other skin diseases
6 Urticaria, angioedema
7 Covid-19
8 Allergen immunotherapy
9 Insect venom allergy
10 Biologics
11 Food allergy
12 Eosinophilic gastrointestinal disease (EGID)
13 Drug hypersensitivity
14 Anaphylaxis, mast cell disorders
15 Allergy Prevention and Risk Factors
16 Immunodeficiencies
17 Basıc immunology &mechanisms of allergy
18 Animal models
19 Microbiome and Omics
20 Air Pollution and Environmental Allergies
21 Occupational allergy
22 Education and Allied Health
23 Miscellaneous
24 Case reports